Sahtu Waterfall.png
Through The Muskeg -24%22 x 48%22 June.jpg
Berry Picking.png
Fall Popplars.png
3pm on The Mackenzie 8%22 x 10%22 - June '11.png
04 - Mackenzie on Fire - June '11.png
13 - Prarie Skyline - 8%22 x 8%22 Jan. '08.png
Dress Shirt farmer Final.png
Static (New Landscape) - 20%22 x 24 Mar. '05.png
The Lake off the Ice Road- 24%22 x 32%22 May'11.png
Northern Lights on a Mission - Dec. '06.png
Spring Melt - 18%22 x 24%22July '11.png
Long Road - Nov. '06.JPG
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